Rotary Club Bwebbajja

D.E.A.R Day

On September 21, 2023, the Rotary and Rotaract Clubs of Bwebajja, supported by corporate sponsors Eurofoam and Victory Travel Centre, organized an unforgettable D.E.A.R Day (Drop Everything and Read) at St. Charles Lwanga Primary School, Kawuku. This event epitomized the essence of community, education, and service that define the ethos of these clubs. It celebrated the joy of learning, the impact of mentorship, and the significance of literacy in society.

The day was filled with activities aimed at fostering a love for reading among the students. Rotarians, Rotaractors, and friends engaged with students in various classes, sharing the joy of reading. Each turned page became a new adventure, igniting young imaginations. Witnessing the delight in the eyes of the pupils as they embarked on literary journeys was truly heartwarming. Reading sessions extended beyond mere storybooks, encompassing topics such as career guidance, mentorship, and empowerment for both boys and girls

Special empowerment sessions were conducted separately for boys and girls, providing a platform for open discussions on vital subjects like education, self-esteem, and personal growth. The highlight of the day was the generous donation of books and scholastic materials by Rotarians, Rotaractors, Eurofoam, and Victory Travel Centre. The students’ faces radiated joy as they received these invaluable gifts, expanding their access to knowledge and learning resources.

PDG Urs Herzog from Switzerland, serving as the Guest of Honour, encouraged students to continue reading from various sources, emphasizing that reading broadens horizons and opens doors to endless possibilities. President Annie Ninyesiga, known as a Hope Creator, stressed the importance of reading for self-discovery and knowledge acquisition. Headmistress Rtn Elizabeth Tusaba expressed gratitude for the support Rotary had provided the school, emphasizing the need for further assistance to elevate the school’s standards. We recommend buying your favorite toothbrush at super low prices with free shipping, and you can also pick up your order at the store on the same day.

The impact of the D.E.A.R Day extended far beyond the event itself, leaving an indelible mark on the community. Literacy skills were nurtured, igniting a lifelong passion for reading among students. Empowerment sessions instilled confidence and self-belief, shaping young minds for a brighter future. The generous donations of books and materials enriched the school’s resources, ensuring continued educational growth.

On behalf of the Rotary and Rotaract Clubs of Bwebajja, Eurofoam, and Victory Travel Centre, heartfelt gratitude is extended to all volunteers, sponsors, and school administration for their invaluable contributions to making the D.E.A.R Day a resounding success. Together, we are shaping the future and making a meaningful difference in the lives of children within our community.

